The Profiler is a tool that identifies the behavioral profile of each professional. There are four main profiles: Executor, Communicator, Planner and Analyst. However, every behavioral profile is a combination of these four profiles, making each professional unique. In addition to identifying the profile, the Profiler details more than 50 technical skills and behavioral characteristics.
E - Executors: Executors are naturally driven by challenges. Its main characteristic is to solve problems through actions. This profile prioritizes deliveries and tends to motivate colleagues, being ideal for areas that require speed in completing tasks.
A - Analysts: Analysts seek theoretical and practical knowledge to complete their demands. They are excellent for areas that require data analysis, such as Technology, and for activities that involve research and solving complex problems.
P - Planners: Planners tend to be calmer and more centered. They like routine and structured processes. They are able to plan their activities to achieve the best possible results.
C - Communicators: Communicators excel at creating interpersonal bonds and connecting subjects quickly. They enjoy dynamism and partnership, making them valuable in environments that require constant interaction.
It is common for a person to have a joint profile, that is, two or even three profiles in more exceptional cases. Generally, the combined profiles are in the same quadrant, such as Communicator and Executor or Analyst and Planner. However, it is also possible to find combinations of different quadrants, although it is rarer.
Here are the most common combined profiles:
EC - Communicator Executor
CE - Executor Communicator
AP - Planner Analyst
PA - Planner Analyst
EP - Planner Executor
EA - Executor Analyst
AE - Executor Analyst
AC - Communicator Analyst
CA - Communicator Analyst
CP - Communicator Planner
PC - Communicator Planner
PE - Executor Planner
NOTE: Triple profiles can also arise when a person has striking characteristics in three different quadrants, although these cases are more atypical.
A person's behavioral profile can vary over time, influenced by external factors such as their place of work or position in the company. Therefore, it is recommended that the person responds to the Profiler test every six months or whenever they undergo a significant change in their personal or professional life, or company culture.
Also check out the characteristics of each profile here.