Every time a person completes an assessment, they have the option to rate the experience while it is taking place, providing feedback.
This feedback is based on the Likert scale that evaluates the degree of satisfaction during the response process, according to the scale:
Very dissatisfied
More or less dissatisfied
More or less satisfied
Very satisfied
The person evaluates their experience on the requirements:
Were the tests consistent at the level?
Does the platform offer a good experience?
And it also has a space for the candidate to include an open text comment, as shown on the following screen:
The answer is optional, that is, if the person does not want to answer, he can skip this step.
You can check the results of this feedback in the "Reviews" menu. To do this, choose the desired evaluation, in your evaluation panel, the "Feedback" tab will detail the results received according to the following screen:
These results help to improve the evaluations and understand which ones are being more assertive in the process, in addition, they serve as a subsidy to improve people's experience during the evaluation.